Steve improves libido and heals thyroid on a carnivore diet

Dr. Baker,

I participated in the 90 day nequalsmany carnivore experiment and want to share my experience. My 90 days ends today, but I will be continuing with this way of eating, because the results have been so positive. There were a number of positive changes I experienced, including ones that were unexpected. Here is a short list:


  • My body has been extremely responsive to training (I mostly do high intensity weight lifting), with minimal muscle soreness in the days after a workout. I’ve gained about 8-10 lbs of muscle mass in the last 3 months and I am much stronger. My motivation to work out is very high.
  • I have never had a problem with weight, but I used to be “skinny fat”. I had major addiction to breads, starches, and sugars that I suspect would have been very destructive to my health in the long run. I now have no desire for these types of foods and my relationship with food is completely different. I usually have a couple of large meals a day, I never get “hangry”. When I go out with friends or to parties, I am not compelled in the slightest to eat these foods.
  • I had previously had what I suspect were mild hypothyroid symptoms. Intolerant to cold, uncontrollable shivering, low energy levels at times. This winter the cold is not even a problem for me (I live in Michigan). I never feel tired at the end of a day anymore and I make plans to do things almost every night.
  • Better libido and sexual function. This year (just turned 30), I became concerned that my desire and performance were really decreasing fast. After about two months of carnivore, things began to really pick back up and seem to be getting better now with every passing week.
  • My physique, and I feel in some ways even my personality, have become more definitively masculine. I am more decisive, focused, and intense in my work and personal life. I suspect this is due to better hormonal health and higher testosterone.


I feel like this way of eating is conducive to the type of lifestyle I would like to live and the high level of function I want to get out of my body, both physically and mentally!



Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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