I am 37 years old in Southeastern Massachusetts, and a married father of 3 young girls ages 8, 4, and 18 months. I was an athlete growing up through high school and always was fairly active, giving minor attention to my diet.
I noticed, like clockwork, I’d put on 10 lbs a year starting at 30, regardless of how much I worked out. I remember I dropped 25 lbs one year as part of a weight loss challenge with a buddy where once a week, I literally cut weight like a fight to beat him (I did, haha).
The Struggle with Weight Gain and Health Deterioration
I’m naturally a very competitive, so when I started seeing my weight increase and my health deteriorate, I decided it was time to change. Starting in October 2020, I knocked off all sweets, did oat milk and Truvia in my coffee, and began running 45 minutes daily on my treadmill. Yuck.
Worse than that, I wasn’t losing any weight. I was killing myself for ten weeks and was down like 4 lbs. I had also been diagnosed with an autoimmune eye disease that could be managed with 20mg of doxycycline daily for periods of 30 days. I had had enough.
The Journey to Carnivore Diet
I saw Dr. Baker on Joe Rogan’s podcast and was intrigued by the idea. I began to think very seriously about joining world carnivore month in January. I did some research and then jumped in with both feet.
After the first few days, I began to feel the difference. My energy popped, my hangry personality traits disappeared, and I felt genuinely good.
The Benefits of the Carnivore Diet
I lost 28 lbs in January alone and was completely hooked. I signed up in July of that year to compete in the “Haymakers 4 Hope” charity fight. Essentially a white-collar brawler, it’s a bunch of executives who raise money for various cancer foundations by getting in the ring and having a sanctioned amateur bout.
I thought how cool it would be to train on Carnivore and document my journey. Dr. Baker even joined in by sharing some of my progress on his stories.
I was amazed at how much energy I had eating Carnivore and completely busted the myths of everyone around me saying you need carbs to train. In fact, most people I told (including the event coordinators) thought I was nuts for trying to. I had plenty of gas for not only the training but for the event itself.
Winning the Fight and Never Going Back
I was already down quite a bit but was able to get down to the required 228 lbs on fight night, compete, and win my fight. I’ve turned a handful of my friends and siblings onto this diet and will absolutely never consider “going back” to any other way of eating.
Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.