Randi improved her skin on a carnivore diet

Hi! My name is Randi and I’m 27 years old. I’m on day 15 of my carnivore journey and I am equal parts dumbfounded and overwhelmingly grateful.


HItting rock bottom

I’ve always had problems with my skin (eczema, dermatitis, acne) but the past year, and ESPECIALLY the past two months, I’ve watched it escalate at what can only be described as an alarming rate. I finally hit what I would call my rock bottom and decided to follow the meat heals path my boyfriend couldn’t seem to stop talking about because nothing else I was doing was working!

Veganism and lying

I was vegetarian for most of my life and that eventually led to veganism which I practiced for about 4 years and the amount of lying I did every day to try to convince myself that I felt good was… appalling. Over the past year and a half I’ve slowly slipped away from the lifestyle by adding in fish, eggs, and grass fed butter/ghee, but my diet was still 60% plant based and my skin problems only persisted.

Rapid skin healing

In just two weeks and a day of giving up carbs cold turkey and thriving off a diet made exclusively of grass fed steak (mostly ribeye), paleo pork + turkey bacon, organic ground turkey, and some wild seafood every few days, I can not only see but I also FEEL myself rapidly healing. The tiny itchy red dots that were beginning to cover my wrists and bottom of my feet have disappeared. My eczema flare ups are becoming extinct and the past few days especially, unless I look down at my ankles and see the scars from nearly killing myself scratching, I forget I even have it. Most importantly, every day I wake up and I watch my mug get a little less red and inflamed and become a little more free of the acne/rosacea that was spreading on my face like wildfire.

In just two weeks and a day of giving up carbs, I can not only see but I also FEEL myself rapidly healing.


Side benefits

Healing my skin was the sole reason for embarking on this ride but I also feel like I’ve gained more time to live and enjoy every day because I’m less fatigued, I wake up alert, my focus at work is stronger, I feel satisfied and fulfilled after every meal instead of bloated and low-key daydreaming about when I’ll be less full so I can eat more carbs again, and I’ve gone from 198lbs to 184. I’d say it’s incredible but that seems like an understatement.



This way of life goes against what I’ve believed most of my life. Dr. Baker, thank you so much for working so hard to educate anyone who is smart enough to listen about this movement. Only two weeks in and I cannot believe the growing list of positive results I am seeing.


Thank you thank you thank you!!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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