Chad resolved his GI problems on a carnivore lifestyle

Chad had considered following the carnivore way of eating for a while before finally committing to it in February 2020. Chad says before the carnivore diet, he ate relatively healthily. As a child, Chad was always a little chunky. He had worked hard in his early adult life to lose weight. Chad experimented for several years with the ketogenic diet and became a pescatarian for about six months which had him still eating many carbs. Chad lost weight, almost sixty pounds, but he still struggled with several health ailments.

Chad said he has had hemorrhoids since childhood and began to experience extreme acid reflux as an adult. He also began to notice that foods, such as salad, would “go straight through” him. Chad experimented with the carnivore diet in January 2019 as a part of World Carnivore Month. He says he felt better after the month was over. However, Chad’s son was born around that time, and he struggled to maintain his healthy habits through the sleepless nights of having a newborn.

In November 2019, Chad took family photos with his wife and young son and was shocked at how much weight he had gained. He knew he needed to do something. And so, Chad once again committed to following the carnivore diet. Only this time, he stuck to it.

Chad says initially, he had some issues with diarrhea and headaches while transitioning to the carnivore diet. However, the problems were resolved after two to three weeks. Since becoming a carnivore diet follower, Chad has lost thirty pounds. Although he says his focus now isn’t so much about weight, but body composition, which the carnivore lifestyle has been helping him improve. Chad has also experienced complete relief from his acid reflux, and the hemorrhoids he’s had since he was a child have disappeared.

Today, Chad’s diet consists of two meals a day. He enjoys eating eggs, steak, pork chops, and chicken wings. He also drinks coffee with some heavy cream, enjoys some cheese, and drinks salt water first thing in the morning to get his day going. Chad says he tries to eat organ meats but doesn’t enjoy the taste.

Chad says the carnivore diet has dramatically improved how he feels every day. He tells a story of indulging in Chinese food with his family. Chad describes the Chinese food, which most likely consisted of many seed oils and carbohydrates, instantly made him feel exhausted. Chad says he could feel his old stomach issues returning the next day. Chad knows from that experience that the carnivore diet is the best way to eat for his health.

Chad is grateful he has stuck to this way of eating. Chad says he is the only person in his family that follows the diet but appreciates that the people in his life may have different journeys than his own. He says he is looking forward to learning more and is planning to join the community soon. Chad is excited to continue his health journey and learn more from others.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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