Autoimmune Health

Real People, Real Results.

Chris B improved irritable bowel syndrome on a carnivore diet

From Chronic Pain to Pain-Free Christopher, now 45 years old, spent most of his life in constant pain and struggling with numerous health conditions. After fifteen years of severe disability and an estimated 85% nerve damage throughout his body, he has made a remarkable recovery. Now pain-free for over 19 months, Christopher credits a meat-based diet as a cornerstone of

Mike B improved rheumatoid arthritis on a carnivore diet

From Unable to Walk to Complete Recovery: Mike’s Carnivore Journey Mike, an IT infrastructure manager in Las Vegas, spent nearly a decade battling mixed connective tissue disorder, an autoimmune condition that left him walking with a cane and unable to play his guitar. After multiple medications failed him, he discovered the carnivore diet and experienced a remarkable transformation. The Devastating

Carrie improved mast cell activation syndrome on a keto diet

Trapped in Her Body: Life with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Carrie lives with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a genetic connective tissue disorder that makes joints hypermobile and prone to dislocation. Growing up in Portland, her condition was particularly severe compared to other family members with the same diagnosis. “I had periods of time where I was in a wheelchair, had to use walking

Mike F improved type 1 diabetes on a carnivore diet

From 400 Pounds to Visible Abs: A Type 1 Diabetic’s Transformation Michael lives with type 1 diabetes, diagnosed at age 14 about 27 years ago. For most of his life, he followed the standard American diet with less-than-ideal blood sugar control. By age 38, he had reached approximately 400 pounds and was experiencing severe health complications. “I was morbidly obese.

Jessica improved cognitive issues on a carnivore diet

A Mother’s Journey: From Terminal Diagnosis to Thriving Health Jessica’s daughter Riley was born with a rare terminal genetic disease called MMIHS (Megacystis Microcolon Intestinal Hypoperistalis Syndrome). This condition affects only about 200 people worldwide and causes severe intestinal motility issues, making it difficult for food to move through the digestive system. Most children with this condition don’t survive past

Noelle improved hypertension and Hashimoto’s on a carnivore diet

From Death Sentence to Athletic Champion: A Healing Journey Noelle faces what once seemed impossible – a complete recovery from three autoimmune diseases doctors called “incurable.” Living in Hong Kong, this French native was told to “put her affairs in order” after being diagnosed with vasculitis, Hashimoto’s, and Sjogren’s syndrome. Seven years later, she’s not only alive but thriving as

Tracy improved multiple sclerosis & testosterone on carnivore diet

From Struggle to Strength: A Family’s Carnivore Journey Tracy and her husband embarked on their carnivore journey three years ago, and the results have been nothing short of transformative. “It has been absolutely game-changing in so many ways for me, for my family, for my husband,” Tracy explains. She believes strongly in the connection between physical health and mental clarity,

Jason improved irritable bowel syndrome on a carnivore diet

From Decades of Illness to Vibrant Health Jason from Brooklyn spent four decades struggling with multiple chronic health conditions before finding relief through a carnivore diet. His transformation began in March 2021, leading to resolution of long-standing issues including depression, IBS, and food addiction. Early Health Struggles and Treatments From his earliest memories around age five, Jason dealt with food

Rebecca managed multiple sclerosis and eczema on a carnivore diet

A Life-Altering Diagnosis At age 36, Rebecca was nearing the completion of her PhD in Translation Studies when her world suddenly changed. What began as a few days of dizziness and nausea evolved into persistent double vision. After being admitted to the hospital for testing, she received devastating news – she had multiple sclerosis (MS), a condition where the immune

Alison improved inflammation and metabolic health on a carnivore diet

From Multiple Autoimmune Conditions to Vibrant Health: A Carnivore Success Story At age 48, Alison’s health journey reads like a medical textbook. Multiple autoimmune conditions, including Meniere’s disease, Graves’ disease, and uveitis, had significantly impacted her quality of life. Add to that severe anxiety, intrusive thoughts, and a 45-pound weight gain, and she knew something needed to change. A Standard

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