Diabetes & blood sugar

Real People, Real Results.

Alex manages type 1 diabetes, retinopathy, and gastroparesis on a carnivore diet

Alex was diagnosed with Type-1 Diabetes at the tender age of 3, and although her diet growing up was low in sugar, it still contained the pastas and potatoes that graced the average household at the time. As she got older, she had to navigate the severe blood sugar lows that go along with being Type-1, regularly combatting symptoms of

Aimee manages type 1 diabetes on the carnivore diet

A Life of Pursuing Health and Wellness Aimee has lived a life in pursuit of health and wellness; trying many different diets along the way. After being diagnosed with Type-1 diabetes in 1971 at the age of 16, doctors told her to avoid sugar—and she did—while faithfully taking one shot of insulin a day.   From Vegetarian to Raw Vegan

Christina Manages Hypoglycemia And Is Headed To The World Masters Athletics Championships

From Soccer to Running: Christina’s Journey   An avid athlete, Christina grew up on red meat and casseroles. When she got to college, however, she swapped out the red meat for a “healthier” diet of grilled chicken, salad, protein shakes, and Special K cereal—the low-fat / high-carb diet recommended to athletes the world over.   Initially a soccer player, she

Gene sees improvements in gout, depression, ADHD, anxiety, and recovery from exercise

Gene’s Difficult Childhood and Struggles with Alcohol   Gene had a rough life before his carnivore conversion. As a child, he had ADHD and anxiety, making school very challenging. He did not get good grades and said, “At one school, they just kept me in a closet because I couldn’t interact with other kids. I was the first kid in

Paul Manages Type 1 Diabetes As An “Accidental Carnivore”

The Discovery of the Carnivore Diet   Paul and his wife live in Oklahoma. He is 66 years old, and when he was 62, he was eating a standard American diet with “everything in balance.” He developed a problem with insatiable thirst, urinating very frequently, craving sweets, and losing weight. Paul discovered that he was a type 1 diabetic after

Lily healed from inflammation and digestive and skin issues on a strict carnivore diet

Lily’s Life as an Anarchist in Mexico   Lily is a self-avowed anarchist living in Mexico. She was featured in an HBO special about the anarchist movement, and her carnivore journey is also chronicled in that special: “You can see the progression of me from my pre-carnivore very sickly days until, you know, now, where I’m more or less healed

Heidi Manages Type 1 Diabetes on Carnivore Diet

Heidi’s Journey with Diabetes   In 2009, Heidi thought her blood sugar problems were over as she welcomed the birth of her son. While still recovering in the hospital, she was assured by the staff that her first meal of Lorna Doone cookies was perfectly fine—gestational diabetes she had while she was pregnant was now a thing of the past. 

Allie Manages Her Son’s Non-Verbal Autism

Allie’s Carnivore-Based Diet Journey As a young woman, Allie Morgan battled issues that ran the gamut from IBS, seizures, migraines to bipolar disorder. After a series of health setbacks landed her in the hospital, she reached out to an uncle who had been managing his diabetes with a low-carb diet, and after delving into the literature herself, she took the

James gets off all psych meds on a carnivore diet

From a lifetime of mental health issues to a new hope with Carnivore    My name is James. I am 27 years old and have suffered immensely from mental health issues since I was 6 years old. I was diagnosed with ADHD and put on psych medication in kindergarten. I also was depressed as a child, which progressed as I

Kelly Heals From Hashimoto’s With Ketovore Diet

Prioritizing Health and Fitness: My Journey   I’ve always held health and fitness as top priorities in my life; very active and played sports growing up; I continued to lift weights and work out throughout my adult life. My diet has always been a standard American diet with a mixture of “healthy” veggie-based and fruit-forward foods.   Never thought my

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