Trevor heals from depersonalization, body pain, and being bed-ridden on a carnivore diet

Born and raised in the small town of Lancaster, Ohio, Trevor was always active and athletic. He grew up eating the Standard American Diet, filled with the usual culprits of fried food and sugar, but still had plenty of energy to keep up with his fellow athletes on the field.

After serving in the Marine Corp for four years, he opened up a gym in his hometown and started eating what he calls the “Bro Diet,” one that is beloved by bodybuilders the world over. Full of lean chicken and rice, he adhered to it strictly as he was doing some modeling at the time, however, even though Trevor looked good on the outside, he was far from feeling well on the inside. “My fat [intake] remained extremely low. I believe that’s what led to me getting really sick…that was the diet that ultimately plunged me into a spiral of sickness.”

When Trevor turned 30, he started to experience bizarre and upsetting symptoms. The very worst would go on to include being bedridden for 3 months, paralysis on half of his body, brain fog, loss of balance, exhaustion, anxiety, and suicidal thoughts. “I forgot who my wife and family were…I had episodes of like, passing out—[but] not hitting the ground. You couldn’t have a conversation with me. It was like I was a statue.”

This was the beginning of a cavalcade of doctors entering Trevor’s life. He visited neurologists, cardiologists, psychiatrists, endocrinologists, and optometrists. “I saw everyone under the sun—I mean, they cut, prodded, poked me—they did everything.”

The eventual diagnosis turned out to be even more confusing, with the medical professionals deciding that it was most likely all psychosomatic. Stunned and running out of options, Trevor and his wife kept searching for answers, spending their life savings trying to find a solution to his health nightmare.

“I remember going downstairs to my wife and…the disassociation was the scariest. I remember asking her, ‘Am I alive or am I dead?’ I just couldn’t comprehend…my brain had a hard time just wrapping around the normal ideals of life.”

After trying varying vegetarian diets to no success, Trevor came across Dr. Shawn Baker and the carnivore diet, and decided to give it a go. After about two to three weeks, he says his brain started to turn back on. “That’s kind of a weird thing to say, but it was the truth. I could remember people’s names that I was struggling with…I could read a book and I could remember what I just read.”

Seven months after going carnivore, and Trevor is now totally free from the symptoms that haunted him for the better part of two years. He eats two meals a day full of red meat, eggs and bacon, and is experiencing stellar results in and out of the gym. His mental clarity is sharp, his libido is great, and he even has plenty of energy to remodel his home after a long day at work. In addition to his gym business, he does health coaching online, and is happy to share his powerful testimony with his clients. “It was life-changing. It was life-saving.”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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