September 7, 2023

Real People, Real Results.

Richard improved weight and mental health on the carnivore diet

The Road To The Carnivore Diet Over the years, Richard had experimented with various dietary approaches such as vegetarianism, paleo, keto, and low-carb in search of the best one for his health. Each brought its own lessons and experiences, shaping his understanding of nutrition. But it was his venture into the carnivore diet that truly caught him by surprise, offering

Pranavan improved blood pressure and fitness on the carnivore diet

From Tradition to Carnivore Diet Pranavan, like many of us, grew up believing in the merits of a well-balanced diet. He followed the guidelines touted by health professionals: whole grains, plenty of fruits and vegetables, and a moderation of red meats and saturated fats. He ardently stuck to these dietary principles, especially given his family history with diabetes and heart

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