October 5, 2018

Real People, Real Results.

Jacob improved cardiovascular health on carnivore diet

Jacob has experienced so many benefits since switching to a carnivore diet 18 months ago. He has improved his cardiovascular health, arthritis, digestive issues, and blood pressure by eliminating grains and vegetables. At 28 years old, Jacob was diagnosed with arthritis in his hands. Affecting the joints and other connective tissues, arthritis is characterized by inflammation that causes joint pain

Steph improves mood, mental health, weight loss on carnivore diet

Steph switched to a carnivore diet six months ago and has noticed remarkable improvements in both her mental and physical health. “An all-meat diet has changed me as a person drastically!” Steph transitioned to a carnivore diet after following a ketogenic diet. A standard “keto” diet focuses on macronutrient ratios, typically allowing for no more than 10 percent of the

Daniel improves his digestion and weight loss on a carnivore diet

At age 32, Daniel was faced with a frightening dilemma: take an immunosuppressive drug to control his IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or take the risk that his bowel disease would worsen if left untreated. Daniel knew there had to be a better way and wondered if a diet change could be the key to healing. In 2013, Daniel was following

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