Karla’s Carnivore Experience
20 years ago I had a diskectomy on my spine of L5 / S 1 from a ruptured disk. From 2000 until may of 2017 I had chronic back pain stiffness and often acute flare-ups from I’m assuming scar tissue, lack of mobility, etc., post-surgery.
Since starting carnivore my flare ups have dwindled to zero and since strictly going beef this past year I have full mobility flexion, extension and lateral flexion as well as NO stiffness or soreness EVER. Go Meat!
The year before turning Carnivore I got a shoulder injury- a torn labrum and rotator cuff tear. I PT’d it for a year but still was in acute chronic pain not sleeping well and work was quite painful. I was put on the surgical schedule just before beginning carnivore.
Over that first year on a new diet I realized I was sleeping through the night with no shoulder pain. I started to do Active Isolated Stretching to rehab myself and moved to mostly beef with little to no extras (cheese, heavy cream , pork rinds, jerky etc.) and soon took myself off the surgical schedule. I am now pain free with full mobility, range of motion and strength in my shoulder.
Go Meat!!
Reviewed & approved by
Dr. Shawn Baker, MD & Carnivore.Diet team.