Hi, my name is Justin. My story is pretty intense and spans practically my entire life.
Issues From Birth
I am a c-section baby, and for as long as I can remember, I have been sick. As a young child, my autoimmune issues weren’t so severe. Minor eczema, canker sores. But I did showcase autistic tendencies and always had severe anxiety and mood problems. When I was eight years old, I started noticing stomach pains and was frequently going to the bathroom.
Eating Crap With Crohn’s Disease
I was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at ten years old and, for four years, struggled greatly with it. I was eventually put on Remicade and was declared in remission. I tried eating healthy but had a horrible relationship with food.
I ate like crap and partied a ton during my 20s. I became very interested in sustainability, and when I was 26 decided to do a high-carb vegetarian diet. I lost a ton of weight. But then things started getting weird.
Body Going Numb
My left side of my body started becoming increasingly numb. An MRI determined I had a brain stem Cavernoma. It was not related to my diet, the doctors said. My symptoms got progressively worse, and in the summer of 2017, I had a hemorrhagic stroke.
Emergency surgery removed half of the cavernoma. I found the Keto diet during my recovery and lost 60 pounds. But symptoms returned. My surgeon told me a 2nd surgery would be required. It was a success, and the cavernoma was removed.
Liters Of Olive Oil
I read The Plant Paradox 10 months ago and decided not to continue with my Remicade treatments. I followed the diet well, even consuming a liter of olive oil a week. At first, I felt great. Then the rashes showed up. Then I couldn’t muster up the energy to get out of bed.
I was depressed. When a big rash that smelled like cheese appeared on my left armpit, I knew something was up. It was Candida. I was also experiencing horrible SIBO. I was worried my Crohn’s would soon rear its ugly head again. I had heard about the carnivore diet but thought it couldn’t be legit.
Everything Better Within A Week
It was only after listening to Paul Saladino that I decided to give the diet a shot. Within a week, the candida, rashes, and horrible digestion were gone. The depression went after that. And the anxiety and mood issues? Wow! I can’t explain the difference. I’m just a happier person overall.
Interesting Improvements
But here is where it gets interesting. I am starting to notice neurological improvements. I still have some nerve damage post-brain surgeries.
I’ve been on a diet for eight months but have only started to notice real significant changes after switching to a steak, liver, and raw fat diet. I’m really curious to see how I progress as I continue with this diet.
I wake up every morning with a smile on my face knowing I’m the healthiest I have ever been.
Grateful For The Change
I wake up every morning with a smile on my face knowing I’m the healthiest I have ever been. And who doesn’t love to crush steaks!! I’m so grateful and looking forward to seeing how things change moving forward.
Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.
1 thought on “Justin healed skin rashes on a carnivore diet”
I am very interested to hear how your diet has affected the Cavernoma condition. If you have a web site or are active on social media I would love to know about it. Thank you and best of luck!