Search Results for: Cancer – Page 4

Plant Epidemiology is hard to Swallow

In studies of plant chemicals regarding nutrition, we often see a confirmation bias to support the epidemiology (and what our parents have always told us) about the benefits of vegetables and fruits. I’ve read countless studies on this stuff, and it’s almost comical to see that nearly every paper starts with, “We all know that people who eat fruits and

No Gallbladder? No Problem!

Gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD) is a common condition for many people. In most cases, the carnivore diet seems to clear up this problem. However, some people find that the diet makes reflux worse or that nausea or other types of dyspepsia occur. For some people, fat, or perhaps meat in general, is difficult to digest. Strategies to deal with this

Meaty Facts about Cholesterol

Let’s look at cholesterol, which has enjoyed the status of being the number-one dietary supervillain for at least the past 50 years. Our interpretation of its role has gone through a dramatic change over the last several decades. The fact that we’re still unsure what cholesterol’s functions are and what significance low and high levels may mean should indicate that

Don’t Worry, They Have a Pill for That

Let’s talk about health for a minute. How do we even define it? Is it something that your doctor determines by taking some blood and checking an X-ray? Or is health more accurately defined as the absence of disease? Think about when you were young. Hopefully, you were full of energy, life was fun, and you were free from joint

Carnivore and the art of pooping

Now let’s talk about fiber. The message we’ve heard for what seems like eons is, “If you don’t eat fiber, you can’t have a healthy bowel movement.” We’ve been told that fiber is essential for a healthy gut and healthy digestion; the latest word is that it’s necessary for a healthy microbiome. There are certainly studies and theories to support

Carnivore Articles

Carnivore Diet Health Benefits Carnivore Diet Health Benefits Carnivore Diet Health Benefits Recipes Meal Plans Success Stories Deals Guides Member Benefits Carnivore Diet Articles | Weight Loss | Diabetes | Mental Health | Other In addition to weight loss, a carnivore diet can potentially improve your health and quality of life in myriad ways you wouldn’t have expected. Diabetes reversal,

Jon heals from gut issues, fatigue, and arthritis

The Fruitarian Diet and its Promises of Healing Chronic Diseases   I was a raw vegan/fruitarian for seven years. I was actually an influencer in that community and offered health consultations helping people heal chronic degenerative diseases using a fruitarian diet and now do the same thing but now recommend an animal-based diet/carnivore.    I’ve actually helped many in the

Dwight B thrives on carnivore diet

An Active Lifestyle at 71: Tennis, Mountain Biking, and More     I am 71 years old, retired, and now live in Idaho. Sports include tennis, mountain biking, kayaking, river climbing, and softball. Health has generally been good, but I had irritable bowel syndrome for many years and skin cancer in several places, removed with Mohs surgery.   At retirement,

Tabitha Chose Therapeutic Ketosis Over Standard Of Care Treatment On A Carnivore Diet

“My name is Tabitha, and I reside in the Lake Norman area, a suburb of Charlotte, NC. I’m 47, and I’ve been married for 25 years this month to my best friend and biggest supporter. I work full-time as a real estate asset manager.   I self-discovered I was pre-diabetic in 2014 at a “normal” weight after juicing and eating

Marti healed leaky gut on a carnivore diet

Marti’s Journey: From Cancer Diagnosis to a Carnivore Diet   In 1998, Marti was on active duty in the US Navy. Two years after her son was born, she “came down with a very rare form of back cancer. “I was five foot four, and 228 pounds, and they told me my cancer was so rare they didn’t know how

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