Misty healed from alcoholism, hypertension, and eczema on a low carb meat based diet

Health Issues Misty Faced Before Going Carnivore


Misty describes herself as a “skinny kid.” She says she came from a big, loud family that liked to have parties with large meals. She grew up eating anything she wanted without worrying about weight. She ate a lot of carbohydrates and said she developed a “salty and crunchy tooth.” 


However, around the age of seventeen, Misty began drinking and subsequently also started gaining weight. At the time, she did not attribute alcohol to her weight gain. She also developed high blood pressure in her twenties. 


Her doctor told her that the high blood pressure probably resulted from being on birth control. Misty also describes dealing with terrible eczema “since birth.” Even as an infant and child, she had eczema.


Misty says she now recognizes she probably had a gluten or lactose intolerance as a child, but at the time, she thought eczema would always be a part of her life.


Misty’s Journey to the Carnivore Diet


After years of battling health issues, Misty started looking into the ketogenic diet. Misty says the most significant thing for her was she gave up alcohol. She also lost weight while following the keto diet, but it wasn’t as helpful as she would have liked. 


Misty describes eating a lot of vegetables and very little meat while following the keto diet and experimenting a little too much with keto desserts. Misty says she became frustrated as she still struggled with eczema and high blood pressure and wondered if she could do more. 


In October 2019, she ran across a video featuring Dr. Paul Saladino. Dr. Saladino is known as an advocate of the carnivore diet, and she listened to him talk about all the ailments he had seen other people heal with this way of eating. Misty says to her, “Something clicked.”


Misty’s Transition to the Carnivore Diet


Misty began following the carnivore diet as well as implementing intermittent fasting. Misty does say her transition to her new lifestyle was hard.


She believes trying to follow the carnivore diet and intermittent fasting all at once was too much for her body, and her hormones seemed to respond negatively initially. However, after a while, all of her issues seemed to “smooth out.”


Benefits of the Carnivore Diet for Misty


Misty has been following the carnivore way of eating for over a year. Her eczema is almost completely gone, and her blood pressure is normal. Misty says she is ecstatic that she is no longer on any medications, and she’s even noticed she now experiences a higher sex drive.


Misty’s Current Diet and Advice for Beginners


Today Misty says her diet is 90% carnivore and 10% ketogenic. She says she eats two times a day and enjoys a lot of beef (particularly bunless hamburgers), chicken wings, and some liver, and she recently began adding in seafood. 


Misty also said she eats dairy occasionally and will sometimes enjoy a vegetable, like a salad, for a special occasion, like when she is on vacation. Misty’s advice for anyone looking to start the carnivore way of eating is, “it’s okay to believe in this.” 


She also says, “don’t get too distracted by all the terms.” She knows the carnivore lifestyle can initially be overwhelming, but all the information is worth it. She says that this way of eating has completely changed her life and how she lives, and she is grateful to be a part of the carnivore community.


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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