Leandro treated his rheumatoid arthritis on a carnivore diet

Leandro’s Story: From Rheumatoid Arthritis to Pain-Free


For twenty years, Leandro suffered from joint pain and inflammation related to rheumatoid arthritis (RA). The pain was so advanced that he had difficulty walking, and his wife had to help him get into bed. As a lifelong athlete, Leandro was devastated by the diagnosis. “They call it a silent pain because no one knows it’s there, and I appeared to look fit,” Leandro shares.


The Benefits of a Carnivore Diet


After moving to England and starting a construction job, Leandro realized he had forgotten to renew his prescriptions for RA. The pharmacy could not fill his prescription for two weeks, so Leandro began looking for a way to cope with his pain while he waited.


He found information on YouTube about the benefits of a carnivore diet and decided to go for it. That decision changed everything! “In just two weeks, I lost two kilograms [4.4 pounds]. I had no pain in my fingers. I could walk around easily at work, and I just felt great!” he recalls.


With his symptoms gone, Leandro was able to return to the gym and never went back for his medication. “I’m 46 years old, but I’m training like I’m in my twenties again! Everything is just amazing.” It’s been three years, and Leandro continues to live pain-free with plenty of energy after work to enjoy more time with his family.


Leandro’s Favorite Foods on the Carnivore Diet


“I’ve always been a beef lover. My first month was just paradise!” he jokes. His primary food source is steak, something he was already accustomed to eating. He hasn’t grown tired of it yet but includes chicken, pork, ham, eggs, and cheese for greater variety. More recently, Leandro experimented with adding bread and other foods back into his diet but quickly noticed his joint pain returned. Today, he remains strictly carnivore during the week but relaxes the rules a bit on the weekend.


Carnivore Diet for Brain Fog and Recovery Times


In addition to healing from rheumatoid arthritis, Leandro is relieved to no longer have brain fog. He finds his recovery times are faster, and an old back injury no longer bothers him. After seeing his transformation, Leandro’s wife recently started a carnivore diet as well. It’s helped regulate her hormones, clear up her skin, and normalize her menstrual cycle. Together, they motivate each other to stay the course.


How Leandro and His Wife Motivate Each Other to Stick to the Carnivore Diet


Leandro is passionate about the impact switching to a carnivore diet has had on his life, especially being able to keep up with his two young sons. “I’ve got my active lifestyle back,” he says. He’s no longer limited in his workouts and regularly enjoys swimming, running, strength training, and martial arts. “I’m playing with my kids, and that’s the top of the list for me! I’m no longer the crippled guy who’s unable to squat or hold them.”


Leandro hopes his story will inspire others, especially those who suffer from RA, to try a carnivore diet. He shares his success story with whoever will listen, including his doctor. “My main goal is for people to know the difference that just a diet can make!”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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