Ginamarie no longer suffers from symptoms of MS on a carnivore diet

At just 24 years old, Ginamarie got the devastating diagnosis of Multiple Sclerosis (MS), a disease that attacks the brain, spinal cord, and optic nerves, impacting the entire central nervous system. In Ginamarie’s case, by age 32, she was unable to walk without assistance, and struggled with fatigue throughout the day. Her husband believed a meat-based diet may be able to provide some relief, but neither of them realized just how beneficial a change it would be!

“The disease had progressed so much that I couldn’t walk without a cane and I was having bladder control issues,” Ginamarie shares. “I was really unstable, and could no longer ride my bike or even wear high heels. It was so emotional to come to terms with the fact my disease was progressing and there seemed to be nothing I could do about it.


Ginamarie had some success following a keto diet and seemed to be in remission from MS for a year and a half, but after going back to the standard American diet for four weeks, she relapsed and her MS symptoms returned. “I went on vacation, and just couldn’t get off the sugar and carbs after that,” she recalls. “I felt like the progress I had made and my quality of life was different. The pain and fatigue from MS started coming back.”


Ginamarie had noticed such a significant change with a whole foods keto diet that she wondered if removing lectins and phytates from plants would have an even greater benefit on her health. It turned out her suspicions were correct! With the continual encouragement and support of her husband, Ginamarie took her elimination diet a step further and pared down her food choices to just meat and an occasional serving of pickles. “Now, 90 percent of my calories are coming from animal products, and I never would have imagined I would feel as good as I do today!” Ginamarie usually eats two meals a day of mostly ribeye or another fatty cut of steak and a bowl of ground beef. She includes dairy and eggs as well to help keep her full.


What started out as just a 30-day experiment of a meat-based diet has turned into a way of life for Ginamarie ten months into her carnivore journey. “I pinch myself every day,” she says. “I have not had any MS symptoms this entire year. I don’t have tingly feelings, I don’t have pain, and it doesn’t feel like my face is burning. I no longer have fatigue, and I can enjoy fun activities with my family such as paddle boarding and enjoying time with our daughter and our two puppies.” Her husband is thrilled with her results, and is so happy to see that Ginamarie’s energy is here to stay. “It’s no longer all on my husband’s shoulders to take care of everything.”


Now that she has steady energy and zero fatigue, Ginamarie feels confident to show up more for the people in her life, and she no longer has to conserve energy or limit herself to one activity per day. “I never would have imagined that a carnivore diet could do this for me. Not only has it helped my MS, but it’s reversed the course of it. I feel like I’ve gotten my life back!”

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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1 thought on “Ginamarie no longer suffers from symptoms of MS on a carnivore diet”

  1. Carolyn Jorgensen

    Thank you so much for sharing your story. We have a cousin with severe MS, and she has tried “everything”. Nothing works. We want her to try carnivore.

    I personally believe MS has insufficient cholesterol at its root. Myelin needs cholesterol. So it makes sense to me that carnivore would help heal the myelin.

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