David manages pain and loses weight on a carnivore diet

Since my early teenage years, training was a big part of my life. Running, swimming, bodybuilding, wrestling and martial arts. Staying fit was always important to me.  At the age of 19, I served 6 years in the United States Army as a paratrooper with the 82nd Airborne Division. The 82nd, we were known as the running junkies!

After the military I spent most weekends sport parachuting. After many decades of hard parachute landings and a few accidents, I had my share of broken bones and injuries.  Always playing hard, I felt bulletproof in my early years.

I relocated to Southern California after the military and spent the next 32 years working as a bodyguard in the executive protection busines. I had the privilege of working and training with the Los Angeles Police Department (LAPD) and Los Angeles Sheriff’s Office (LASO).

During the 90’s a few retired law enforcement officers and I decided to take advantage of the new three strikes law in California and started a fugitive recovery/bounty hunting business. The three strikes law applied to criminals who were convicted of three or more violent felonies, earning them a life sentence in a California State prison. We would locate the worst of the worst and arrest these criminals who were evading law enforcement for a percentage of the bond. It was dangerous and we were busy! Most of my career was spent in Beverly Hills, California. I protected celebrities, Saudi Royal family members, prime ministers, dignitaries, billionaires and CEOs.

In 2010 I was offered a position protecting a CEO of a large defense contractor and his family. I accepted the position and relocated to the East coast. 

Most of my life I stayed in great shape, because my job and my life depended on it. While living in Southern California, I was a regular at the famous Venice Gold’s Gym. As time passed my bulletproof mindset changed!

In my late 50’s the joint pain I felt was excruciating. I lived with that pain for years and accepted that was the price to pay for playing hard. Over the course of the next 10 years, I was working long hours and had absolutely no energy or desire to exercise. I gained 75 pounds and went from a 36 to 44 inch waist, weighing in at 300 pounds. At 62 years old I realized I was fat, sick, unhealthy and probably borderline diabetic. I needed to take drastic steps.

I attempted numerous diets, even ate vegetarian for over a year with no success. I ate more carbs as a vegetarian than I did on SAD. I tried the low-fat approach but found it unsustainable.

Next, I tried Keto for two months and had pretty good success. However, found it too complicated!  After watching Dr. Shawn Baker on YouTube, I started the carnivore diet. It took only a few weeks for all the inflammation and joint pain to be relieved. I thought it was a miracle!

I dropped 65 pounds pretty easily over the course of ten months, maintaining muscle, strength and feeling great! I’m never hungry! I usually eat four eggs and bacon for breakfast with coffee with a little organic cream.I eat one pound of steak or ground beef for lunch and dinner with butter and Redmond salt. If want a snack, it’s either 4505 pork rinds or pepperoni slices.

People are constantly saying “You look great, what are you doing”? I explain the carnivore diet and usually receive the identical response “Red meat is not good for you”and “saturated fats cause cardiovascular disease.” They proceed to say “no way, I couldn’t even imagine doing that diet.”

I feel better than I have in decades and will never go back to the SAD.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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