Claire overcame anorexia nervosa and depression on a low-carb diet

Claire’s Struggle with Anorexia Nervosa


Growing up in France, Claire ate the typical French diet rich in saturated fat and protein. A dancer, she was naturally thin like her fellow ballerinas-in-training. Constant comparisons as to who was the slimmest, however, led Claire to develop body-image issues, and as she entered her teenage years, she started to restrict her eating.


Her parents were in the dark about her struggles, and after experiencing a traumatic incident at the age of 16, her eating disorder got worse and developed into full-blown Anorexia Nervosa.


Discovering the Carnivore Diet


As the years passed by, Claire became a prisoner of her tyrannical eating disorder. At 5′ 7″, her weight would go on to drop to a life-threatening 69 pounds. She became so frail she had to use a wheelchair, and at one point, she even lost the fat from her optical nerves and went blind for months.


Her hair fell out, her teeth fell out, and her heart rate was always hovering below 40. In 2017, she got the flu and died on the table for several minutes. At 33 years old, Claire was desperate beyond measure and started looking for alternative ways to try and conquer Anorexia.


When she came across the carnivore diet, she was intrigued by its simplicity. She started with a low-fat option but still didn’t feel very well. Then, in July of 2021, Claire was unable to go swimming with her family when on vacation because she was freezing cold—even though it was the middle of the summertime.


In her sadness, she became resolved to give the carnivore diet a real try and booked a coaching session with one of the Carnivore.Diet coaches online. They encouraged Claire to think about eating meat and fat like taking medicine, and if she committed to it fully, her body would heal—fast.


“I was so scared, but from one day to another, I only ate fatty meat…it was a life changer.” Claire started off with easy-to-digest ground beef. She also drank raw egg yolks and snacked on butter—sometimes up to several sticks a day!


“I was eating fat all the time, and my body handled it fantastically…It was like body happiness…I couldn’t stop! Since the moment I started eating this way, I was not able to restrict myself anymore. I have to eat when I’m hungry—my body is so happy with it!”


Weight Optimization and Body Happiness


Within three months, Claire was able to gain 20 pounds and come off all of her anti-depression medication—in close collaboration with her doctor, of course! Now, 39 years old and with a full head of hair, Claire is up to 110 pounds. Instead of being wheelchair-bound and blind, she is able to jump on the trampoline with her son and work all day in her job as an engineer. All of her blood markers are excellent as well, leaving her doctors amazed.


Any lingering concerns about her weight have vanished, and Claire is miraculously unbothered by the scale. “The carnivore diet is not about weight loss; it’s about weight optimization. So, if it brings me to gain twenty more pounds or thirty more pounds—it’s possible—I don’t have any trouble with it.


I want to feel satiated all the time, and I want to be able to think clearly, and I don’t want to restrict… I’m eating amazing food, I’m doing some movement, I’m sleeping well, so the weight will be what it has to be.”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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