Arthritis and Joint Health

Real People, Real Results.

Rachel improved perimenopause and hair on a carnivore diet

From Perimenopause to Powerful At 53 years old, Rachel has discovered a new lease on life through the carnivore diet. Her journey began around age 41 when perimenopausal symptoms started appearing. “Each year, I added another symptom, and I put on a considerable amount of weight. My hormones were all over the place,” Rachel explains. She spent years following menopausal

Carrie improved mast cell activation syndrome on a keto diet

Trapped in Her Body: Life with Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Carrie lives with Ehlers-Danlos syndrome (EDS), a genetic connective tissue disorder that makes joints hypermobile and prone to dislocation. Growing up in Portland, her condition was particularly severe compared to other family members with the same diagnosis. “I had periods of time where I was in a wheelchair, had to use walking

Maranda improved fibromyalgia & hypoglycemia on carnivore diet

From Wheelchair to Freedom: A Journey of Healing Maranda’s health journey began long before she discovered the carnivore diet. At 14, she lost her gallbladder after a two-week hospital stay. By 18, her appendix was removed, and she was diagnosed with angina and hypoglycemia. A hysterectomy followed at 31. Throughout her life, her immunity remained consistently low. The turning point

Jenny improved neuropathy and fatigue on a carnivore diet

From Chronic Health Struggles to Ultra-Marathon Success At 64, Jenny lives a vibrant life in rural New South Wales, Australia, competing in ultra-marathons and enjoying optimal health. But her journey wasn’t always smooth. For decades, she struggled with weight fluctuations, chronic fatigue, back issues, and various health complications that limited her active lifestyle. “I had several sets of clothes in

Mick improved glaucoma and energy on a carnivore diet

From Chef to Carnivore: A Rural Australian’s Health Transformation At 67, Mick lives in a small country town about an hour south of Canberra, Australia. As a retired chef who previously managed ski lodges with his wife Jenny, he’s no stranger to good food. Living in an area known for beef cattle and fine wool sheep with mostly natural grassland

Linda improved anxiety and depression on a carnivore diet

A Decade of Meat: Linda’s Carnivore Journey What started as a 30-day experiment to lose a few pounds of baby weight has transformed into a decade-long lifestyle for Linda, who will celebrate her 10th anniversary on the carnivore diet this April. “I thought it was going to be a 30-day experiment. I thought, how bad could it be? Let’s give

Jason improved irritable bowel syndrome on a carnivore diet

From Decades of Illness to Vibrant Health Jason from Brooklyn spent four decades struggling with multiple chronic health conditions before finding relief through a carnivore diet. His transformation began in March 2021, leading to resolution of long-standing issues including depression, IBS, and food addiction. Early Health Struggles and Treatments From his earliest memories around age five, Jason dealt with food

Tammy heals from arthritis and depression on a carnivore diet

From Debilitating Arthritis to Renewed Mobility Tammy’s journey with the carnivore diet begins as a desperate attempt to reclaim her physical independence. For years, arthritis ravages her joints, leaving her unable to perform basic tasks like buttoning a shirt, styling her hair, or even walking up stairs. Her hands, knees, and shoulders become constant sources of pain, forcing her to

Leo improved diabetes and cardiovascular health on a carnivore diet

From Diabetes to Carnivore Vitality Leo, a 59-year-old regenerative rancher from Florida, has a remarkable story of health transformation through the carnivore diet. His journey from battling diabetes to reclaiming his health is both inspiring and instructive for those seeking alternative approaches to managing chronic conditions. A Dire Diagnosis and Determined Response In late 2018, Leo received devastating news from

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