Andrew healed from severe knee pain on a carnivore diet

Misdiagnosis and Frustration


Basically, my full story is this: In 2006 I tore my ACL & medial meniscus in my right knee. The next day, I first saw my PCP, in hopes that he’d immediately refer me to an orthopedist before I could get in on my own. He diagnosed it as a dislocated kneecap, even after I questioned it multiple times.


Limited Options for Treatment


In 2011, less than a month after turning 30, I began having significant swelling and pain in my knee. I scheduled an appointment with an Orthopedic Dr, thinking that I had a slight tear from my previous injury. After reviewing my XRAY, he said that he had to double-check my DOB because my knee looked 80+ because of how arthritic it was. He said that I needed a replacement, but I couldn’t at age 30. He wanted to put me on Celebrex, which would require me to also have my kidney function checked annually. I told him that I’m no mechanic, but I know that you don’t fix a flat tire by tearing out the exhaust.


Weight Gain and Shoulder Pain


I went to orthopedic Dr number 2, who offered either an osteotomy (very invasive surgery with a limited lifespan) or an OA brace with de-rotation. I opted for the brace. While my pain & swelling reduced, I still struggled to be active. I couldn’t walk my dogs more than a half mile. I made it through work, but had too much pain to be active after work.


The Introduction of Carnivore Diet


I was roughly 240 lbs when I initially injured my knee, close to 10 years of inactivity had me ballooning up to 360. I also had old shoulder injuries that were painful. In late 2017 I began having strong pain & heavy swelling in my left knee, probably from overcompensation for my injured right knee.


Significant Weight Loss and Improved Mobility


In the spring of 2018, shortly before turning 37, I was practically begging my orthopedic doctor for a double knee replacement. He still wouldn’t do it. November 26, 2018, I began carnivore. After 4 days, I had dropped 14 lbs. a weight loss of that much that quickly is primarily water weight, AKA inflammation and bloating. A week before beginning carnivore I had very limited mobility with my shoulders, mostly of which was very painful. By day 4, I had pain-free full ROM with both shoulders.

Overcoming Challenges and Hiking Triumph


I steadily lost weight. By July 2019, I was able to take 2-3 mile walks without my knee brace. I still wore it at work because I have a very physically demanding job. I continued to lose weight and change body composition. As of February 2020, I had lost 85 lbs. I had controlled the pain & swelling in my knees to the point that I stopped wearing my knee brace to work, and haven’t worn it since. I still occasionally have a tougher day. Some days my knees hurt quite a bit after 8 hectic hours on my feet, but those days are few & far between.


In March 2020, I vacationed in CO, and hiked a snow & ice-packed mountain trail without my knee brace. My biggest struggle with that was the elevation, not my knees.


My weight loss has slowed down, hanging in the 95-100 lbs range, but I haven’t worn that brace in almost a year. I feel better as I’m about to turn 40 than I did as I was about to turn 30. I’m energetic, mostly pain free, with the libido of a 20 yr old. I can feel a difference in my muscle density despite no weight training.


I’ve been able to comfortably eat once per day, roughly 1.5 lbs of beef, 1/3 lb of bacon & 4 eggs. I usually add a little of cheese. I have one cup of coffee 3 or 4 days per week, otherwise, I drink approximately one gallon of water per day. I occasionally mix in some salmon or shrimp or pork or chicken but primarily eat beef & bacon & eggs & cheese.

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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2 thoughts on “Andrew healed from severe knee pain on a carnivore diet”

  1. Incredible. I have a medial meniscus tear as well, causing knee pain and swelling/locking. Also obese. Going to start the carnivore diet next payday.

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