September 19, 2023

Real People, Real Results.

Mike and Corrie-Beth improved mood on a carnivore diet

Discovering the Carnivore Diet When it comes to nutrition and wellness, Mike and Corrie-Beth are no strangers to experimentation. Always on the lookout for the best approach to health, they stumbled upon the carnivore diet. This way of eating, which predominantly consists of animal products, was initially a leap from their bodybuilding diet filled with carbs and fats. However, their

Marina improved joint pain and digestion on the carnivore diet

The Descent into Health Troubles Marina was once a young woman with an optimistic perspective on health. She lived her life, like many of us, consuming what she deemed were balanced meals. Yet, the universe had a different plan for her. Slowly, she began to witness health troubles that started innocuously but soon spiraled. From aching joints to digestive issues,

John improved energy, blood sugar, and pain on the carnivore diet

The Allure of the Carnivore diet John, once a video production teacher, has delved deep into the world of health and nutrition. In his quest for optimal health, he stumbled upon the carnivore diet, an all-meat dietary approach that eliminates most, if not all, carbohydrates from the menu. John proudly states that he consumes virtually zero carbs. The only carbohydrates

Mitch improved inflammation and diabetes on the carnivore diet

A Hesitant Beginning Mitch never imagines himself diving into the carnivore diet. It’s not that he’s dismissive of alternative diets; he’s just never felt a strong pull towards one. But after a bout of gastrointestinal issues and after hearing about it from a friend, his curiosity piques. First Impressions on the carnivore diet Walking into the supermarket for the first

Brad improved brain fog, energy, and mood on the carnivore diet

Embarking on a Meaty Voyage In bustling towns and cities, where food options are aplenty, Brad stands as an emblem of alternative dietary exploration. Having spent countless hours in the intricate world of butchery, he possesses an intimate knowledge of meats. Beyond just serving as sustenance, for Brad, every cut, every fat layer, tells a unique story. While the modern

Lea improved migraines, energy, and her cycle on a carnivore diet

From Figure Skating to Restricted Mobility In the heart of Italy, nestled close to the majestic Dolomites, Lea once thrived as a figure skater, gracefully gliding across icy arenas. However, a few years down the line, she faced challenges that restricted her basic mobility. Walking without pain seemed like a distant dream. But today, Lea walks pain-free, with only occasional,

William F improved chronic kidney disease on a carnivore diet

A Leap into the Unknown When William first embarked on the carnivore diet, he was met with skepticism and doubt from those around him. Even his own doctor was taken aback when, during a routine visit, William’s health metrics showcased improvements that seemed almost too good to be true. No longer reliant on medication for his chronic kidney disease, William’s

Kristie improved migraines and joint pain on the carnivore diet

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Ut elit tellus, luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo. Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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