Rich improved joint, ligament pain and allergies on a carnivore lifestyle

A Family Affair: Converting Rich’s Wife to the Carnivore Way of Eating


Rich’s journey into a carnivore lifestyle has been a family affair. Rich describes his diet at a young age as the Standard American Diet. He used to eat fast food every day in his early adulthood and struggled with his weight. Over twenty years ago, Rich’s weight peaked at 285 pounds, and he knew he needed to do something.


Initial Struggles with Weight and Bodybuilding


Initially, Rich began working on his health through bodybuilding. He lost 8 lbs in 10 months but gained all the weight back within four months. While living the bodybuilding lifestyle, Rich described himself as constantly feeling hungry, continuing to eat high amounts of carbohydrates, and falling back into old habits. It wasn’t until Rich began eating low-carb that he began to see immense health benefits.


Rich focused on eating meat, vegetables, and other low-carb foods such as nuts for twenty years. He also spent a lot of money on protein supplements as a part of his diet. Rich lost over 100 pounds by eating low-carb and kept it off for over twenty years.


Rich felt his health was doing well, but he began researching various alternative medical interventions for his son. Rich’s son had suffered from intense migraines since he was four and was diagnosed with Crohn’s disease at twenty-one.


Rich says he began looking into foods that might trigger his son’s ailments. He shared some of his thoughts with his son’s doctor, but even the doctor said a diet change would not help his son and continued to push more medications.


Discovering the Carnivore Diet


Then Rich stumbled across Drs. Shawn Baker and Kevin Stock. Dr. Baker and Dr. Stock are experts in the carnivore diet and how it can be used to heal the body. Rich began eating a carnivore diet along with his son. Rich says for himself the change was relatively mild.


He was previously eating about 20 carbs a day, but he noticed improvements in his joint pain and allergies. For his son, however, the improvement of the symptoms from his migraines and Crohn’s disease were drastic.


Today, Rich’s diet mainly consists of red meat and the occasional eggs or sardines. He even converted his wife to the carnivore way of eating. His wife already lived a relatively healthy lifestyle, but some ailments were starting to creep up on her with age.


While on vacation in Hawaii, Rich and his wife enjoyed steaks together daily. His wife was so astonished by how she felt after giving up fruits and vegetables she committed to living the carnivore way of life with him.


Rich says one of the most significant benefits of the carnivore diet is the money he saves by not buying supplements and other expensive health foods. He also enjoys its simplicity, as he follows a routine of eating ground beef and steak daily.


Rich says the biggest surprise for him is how eliminating foods like vegetables has improved his joint pain. He is also very grateful that this way of eating has improved his family’s health.


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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