Search Results for: Acne – Page 3

Laura improved anxiety, depression, and skin issues on a carnivore diet

An Unexpected Beginning Laura, a dedicated nurse with over two decades of experience, found herself at a crossroads early in her life. At 20 years old, she weighed over 300 pounds and faced a dire prognosis from her doctor: imminent diabetes and a lifetime of medication. This prediction, coupled with a shockingly high triglyceride level, propelled her to seek alternatives

Mike improved diarrhea and ulcerative colitis on the carnivore diet

Early Life and Health Issues My name is Mike. I reached out to you on Twitter or X…whatever it is called now. Wanted to share some info with you. I have had an extreme turnaround over the last 7 years. There is so much information that I really do not know where to start. Since I was a young kid

Lierre improved irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) on the carnivore diet

from veganism to illness From the leafy greens of a vegan diet to the hearty sustenance of a meat-centric diet, Lierre’s journey is unconventional, to say the least. Once a staunch supporter of veganism, she now finds herself on a contrasting path. But what prompts such a 180-degree turn in her dietary choices? It’s the pursuit of health. With the

Donald improved joint pain and mood on the carnivore diet

Deep Dive into the carnivore diet In a world brimming with diet trends and nutritional advice, Donald, always keen on improving his health, discovers a unique path: the carnivore diet. Here, one consumes only animal products. It’s a radical shift from popular dietary recommendations, but Donald, curious and open-minded, is undeterred. He commits to trying this diet, eager to understand

David T overcame depression, obesity, pain from car accident on carnivore diet

David T is a 38 year old shipping clerk for a sheet metal company in Florida. He says that “for a significant portion of my life I have fought with my weight, depression and anxiety.” He found himself continuing to gain weight, getting up to 238 pounds with a 42 inch waist. During a delivery for his work, he was

Rachel’s autistic daughter improves speech and communication on the carnivore diet

Rachel began the carnivore diet in March 2022. She is 30 years old and has a daughter who was diagnosed with autism when she was three.  Rachel had a stressful marriage that led to depression. Eating made her happy—at least at first—but afterward, she would feel awful. She ate lots of carbs; pasta, bread, Oreos, and sweets were the primary

Nathan recovers from Guillain-Barre Syndrome on the carnivore diet

Nathan is 47 years old, married, and a father of three. He spent 11 years traveling in the U.S. Army and several years as an operative in the U.S. Intelligence community. He says he had always worked out and stayed fit without following a particular diet and ate whatever he wanted.   Nathan’s Background and Health Issues   In his

Rory improved Joint Pain, Skin problems, Gut Health, and aches On The Carnivore Diet

Rory’s Journey to Carnivore   Rory is from Brisbane, Australia, and says, “I’ve had health problems my whole life; diagnosed at four as an asthmatic. I had my tonsils taken out. From that point, I’ve had a lot of health issues, mainly asthma, gut-related stuff, food intolerances, and then acne, as I became a teenager.   As an adult, I

Allison cleared alpha-gal symptoms on a carnivore diet

Allison’s Health Struggles   Allison lives near the Appalachian Mountains in western Maryland. She had heard of the meat-based elimination diet about six months before trying it but was “super resistant to it. I was like, ‘there’s no way, I can’t eat this way, boring,’ but when I hit rock bottom, what I felt like, I said, ‘I’ve tried everything

Daniel and Ed thrive on a carnivore diet

Ed started a keto diet as a way to improve his focus and productivity and noticed that it provided more consistent energy. His father had been working on losing weight and had lost weight and found his productivity and mood improved on a carnivore diet. Ed wanted these gains for himself, so he started the diet also. “I was like,

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