Search Results for: blood pressure – Page 18

Daniel improves his digestion and weight loss on a carnivore diet

At age 32, Daniel was faced with a frightening dilemma: take an immunosuppressive drug to control his IBS (irritable bowel syndrome) or take the risk that his bowel disease would worsen if left untreated. Daniel knew there had to be a better way and wondered if a diet change could be the key to healing. In 2013, Daniel was following

Debbie improved kidney function, mental health on carnivore diet

Introduction to the Ketogenic Diet   Debbie, 68, was introduced to the ketogenic diet two years ago when her sister asked her for help finding low-carb recipes. “As I began collecting keto recipes, my interest in the low-carb approach caught my interest, and I decided to give it a try.”   Her husband of 31 years was more reluctant, however.

Starting The World’s Simplest Diet

One of the hardest concepts to understand about the carnivore diet is how simple it is. Do you need to track macros or calories? Do you need to weigh your food and calculate micronutrient amounts? Do you need to be hooked up to daily blood monitors and check your lab results every few months? I would argue that you don’t

Heath fixed his metabolic syndrome on carnivore diet

Heath is 58 years old and has battled with his weight for much of his adult life. From 1989 until 2018, he saw his waistline expand and his weight increase, year after year. Heath knew that the weight gain was taking a toll on his life and increasing the odds of disease. Heath had developed insulin resistance, also known as

Paul improved sleep apnea on a carnivore diet

Hey, everybody, my name is Paul W. I was born in 1979 in Sweden. About +10 years ago from 2017, I was diagnosed whit sleep apnea. but I think I’ve had ever sins I was a kid/teenager. Because the symptoms were there, now that I think back on it. like this: severe daytime drowsiness, fatigue, and irritability. Difficulty concentrating. quick-tempered,

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