Packo improved his rare autoimmune on a carnivore diet

Hi there! Dear carnivores, My name is Packo. I have had a few conversations with one of my heroes (Dr Shawn Baker), we discussed what i am about to share with you in detail.

Rare Disease


I have a really severe autoimmune decease called Ankhylosing Spondilitis (AS), I was diagnosed when I was about 24 years old. At that time, due to the lack of knowledge of all the doctors I visited, I had to spend almost 10 years of excruciating pain, to the point I couldn’t lift myself from bed without rolling face down to the floor and pick myself up from there .


I used to take approximately 20 different kind of pills a day. None of them worked.


Heavy Treatment And Antibiotics


Then, about a year and a half ago, I started a biological treatment called “Infliximab”. I received about 300 mg every 6 weeks. It was until then that I stopped having chronic pain. But the toll was to high, last December I had to take 7 different treatments of antibiotics due to the nature of this biological med.

I had no problems with my RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) until about 3 weeks ago I had fast food burgers that contained soy and other inflammatory ingredients. That has sent me to hell.

Only Diet


Now, I have been treating myself with only diet. I started about 6 months ago on the ketogenic regimen two months after I had the miracle to see myself with Dr Baker and Dr Jordan Peterson both podcasts with Joe Rogan.


So I started the carnivore diet. I have now lost about 30 kg (About 60 lbs) and stopped taking Infliximab. I had no problems with my RA (Rheumatoid Arthritis) until about 3 weeks ago I had fast food burgers that contained soy and other inflammatory ingredients.


That has sent me to hell. I had to inject myself with Cortisone and take anti-inflammatory pills to keep it at bay. Other than that I feel great, no damaged part by the AS has been affected whatsoever. I now just wait patiently for my knee to get better.


For the moment, that is all I can share with you guys. God bless!

Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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