Hello my name is Mckynna,
On June 14th 2018 my son was drawing a family photo for school he started with himself a stick figure and then his father again a stick figure when he got to me, then he drew a giant circle for my body.
I realized right then and there I had to change.
But I hated veggies my entire life there was no way I could eat them so I researched and I found Shawn baker and it changed my life. I successfully followed the carnivore diet for 8 months straight and lost 135lbs! I started at 240 and now I am 105lbs!
I cry everyday thinking what would have happened if I didn’t find this way of eating!
Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.