Josh manages eczema on a low-carb diet

Josh’s Health Struggles


Josh lives in Richland County, Ohio, and has been a Doctor of Chiropractic since June 2021. As a child, he had eczema, particularly on his fingers. He also had lifelong allergies and asthma, which he was diagnosed with at five years old.


Seeking Answers


When he was in chiropractic school, Josh’s eczema and allergies worsened, possibly due to stress. His eczema moved up onto his arms and neck, and he sought answers. “I found out if I fasted that my eczema would go away, and that was always a really good temporary fix, but it got to the point where I was so skinny, and I almost looked malnourished because I had fasted so much.”


Experimenting with Diet


Josh found that his libido was low, and he had lots of brain fog and headaches. His feet used to get cold a lot, even turning blue. Josh felt cold, shivering often. His problems got worse after using a Standard Process, “holistic cleanse.” 


Josh was “on like ten supplements at the time, and I had done the cleanse for the full 21 days. It was basically like you’re plant-based for ten days, then they want you to throw in lean meats for you to eat chicken. You’re doing these protein shakes along with like a hundred different supplements, so that really messed me up.”


The Solution


Open to new answers, Josh found Paul Saladino and started eating meat and fruit, “and that made it even worse, just compounded.” Josh was eating two apples and three or four bananas a day and then determined he was allergic to bananas. 


When looking for answers, Josh “found Joe Rogan, like many have, and that’s when I was like, ‘all right, I’ll just do meat, salt, and water.’ and I stuck primarily with red meat. I noticed bacon kind of flared me up.”


He discontinued all of his supplements and stopped eating fruit as well. This time, a new diet helped, and Josh found that his eczema completely cleared up, as did his back pain.


Results of Carnivore Diet


“I usually see about 20 to 30 patients a day, but by the end of the day, I would notice my back would be dull and achy, and this was after only six months of doing it.” 


His back pain resolved, and “I don’t have asthma attacks anymore, especially when I’m very strict with the diet.” Josh also noticed better emotional stability, saying, “I notice less of that just ‘being on edge’ and lots more calmness.”


Josh has begun adding a carnivore diet recommendation to his patients’ care plans to “kind of plant that seed and get them started on that conversation.”


Criticism of Plant-Based Diets


He sees the problems plant-based diets cause, saying, “You look at these people who are on these plant-based high-fiber diets, and it’s like their gut looks ridiculous. They’re so bloated; it’s insane! I have zero bloating. I don’t even fart, ever. It’s crazy.”


The Final Word


“It works, it just does; it’s amazing how big a turnaround I’ve made on it.”


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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