- Buy the best you can afford. Eggs are usually inexpensive if you can tolerate them.
- Look for sales and stock up. Freeze what you won’t use within a few days.
- Buy in bulk whenever possible. Split the food up and freeze what you won’t use in the next few days. Food savers or airtight containers work well for this.
- Shop the perimeter of the store only.
- Shop directly from a rancher or farmer. Many resources can be found on Revero resources.
- There are several apps or even websites depending on your location which will help you navigate sales.
- Shop ethnic stores.
- Ask for fat trimmings directly from the butcher. Sometimes they will just give this to you or sell it at a low rate.
- Don’t shop hungry or when samples are most likely being offered.
- Go with a friend who will support you if you feel weak. Don’t go with someone who will encourage you to buy or sample something not healthy.
- If purchasing processed animal foods, be sure to read the labels.
- Let someone else do the shopping if they can also be supportive and not return with garbage food.
Reviewed & approved by
Dr. Shawn Baker, MD & Carnivore.Diet team.