Leyla improved reproductive health and treated PCOS on carnivore diet

My name is Leyla. I am 29 years old.


Before starting an all meat diet, I had been diagnosed with PCOS a couple of years before. At the time, this diagnosis felt like a life sentence. The word “infertility” seemed to resonate in every doctor’s visit. This was probably the most painful thing I ever had to deal with. My husband and I had been together for 8 years at the time, and we both knew our chances of having a baby were slim to none. I can still see the image of my cystic ovaries on the ultrasound, and thinking… how am I supposed to fix this?

Having dealt with this for almost 10 years, we (my husband and I) had an unspoken understanding of leaving the “children” subject out of our conversations. There was a looming sense of sadness when we were around kids. Eventually, we decided to go the adoption route. We both focused on working hard to ensure this could be possible.

After accepting my diagnosis, I decided I didn’t want medication. My reality was a severe case of PCOS that would take years to fix and I was okay with that.

Two years Later

On May of 2016 I started working for Dr. Urso. After visiting so many doctors, it was odd to me that Dr. Urso would sit and explain everything in detail to his patients. I kept thinking our patients were lucky to have a nutrition class, plus an eye check up in the same visit. He kept talking about vitamins, ketones, meat, nuts, good omegas, and all these things no one talks about.

Little by little he taught me about a more primitive way of eating. He helped me understand the detrimental effect of carbohydrates in our bodies and the fact that we don’t need them. He made diet simple. I began to make small changes in my diet. Eating steak every day was enjoyable, manageable, and I was happy. Six weeks after starting my new lifestyle, I found out I was pregnant. This may be TMI, but I hadn’t had a period in five months when I found out I was pregnant. I couldn’t believe how quickly my body bounced back.

I was blessed with a baby kicking my belly and moving around inside me. I never thought I would ever experience such miracle, but I did.

Sharing my story

I wanted to share my story because I am an ordinary person with no medical background. Everything I learned in the first four months with Dr. Urso was simple and achievable. If 6 weeks of “clean” eating can help me get pregnant after 10 years of infertility. I can only imagine what it can do for people who suffer from chronic inflammation or other illnesses. It is important for others to know stories like mine to gain hope and inspiration, that with a little knowledge anything is possible.

Thank you,


Results are not typical. All viewers of this content, especially those taking prescription or over-the-counter medications, should consult their physicians before beginning any nutrition, supplement or lifestyle program.

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