Carnivore Diet FAQ

How to start, what to eat, and more

What Is The Carnivore Diet?

Carnivore diet means getting nutrition from animal sourced foods and severely limiting or eliminating all plants from the diet. The purpose for this way of eating is health improvement, fat loss, healing the body and mind, and relief from many chronic illnesses.

Thousands of people have reduced or even reversed symptoms of diabetes, digestive issues, depression, mental disorders, skin conditions, joint pain, hormonal imbalances, lyme disease, chronic fatigue, candida overgrowth, pain, inflammation, etc.

What Are The Common Benefits To Switching To A Carnivore Diet?

Many people have reduced or even reversed symptoms of diabetes, gastrointestinal problems, joint pain, mental disorders, skin issues, hormonal imbalances, inflammation, and blood pressure.

There is also improvements in body composition including fat loss and muscle gain, strength, performance, and endurance. A large number of people have seen resolution of many disease symptoms and the elimination or reduction of their prescription medications.

What Foods Are Typically Allowed On A Carnivore Diet?
Any meat from an animal is fine, including fat, muscle, and organs if desired. Most people seem to gravitate to, and feel best on ruminant meat (beef, lamb, goat, deer, elk, etc.) Pork, chicken, eggs and seafood are often also well tolerated. Dairy products can be included for some people but many will need to limit the amount or types of dairy. Spices as seasonings are used depending on preference and tolerance. Coffee and tea can be consumed, but many people find that excluding them is helpful. The same goes for alcohol.
How Can I Begin A Carnivore Diet?
Depending on previous dietary background, some people can just jump right into the diet while others will benefit from a transition strategy. Our Certified Carnivore Coaches are a great resource to help you transition.
What Should I Do During Adaptation Period?

Make sure you are eating enough food and getting plenty of rest. You can also add extra salt, electrolytes, or bone broth to replenish electrolytes. Avoid heavy exercise because it can take a toll on your body during the transition process. As you adapt you will gain more energy to exercise. The transition can vary from person to person, some having a very easy time, whereas others struggle.

Common transition issues can include fatigue, headache, general malaise, poor mood, insomnia, increased thirst or urination, change in bowel frequency, constipation, diarrhea, joint or muscle aches, and rashes. Our coaches can help make the transition into carnivore go more smoothly.

The transition symptoms naturally resolve within a few days to weeks. You will then start seeing improvements in energy, sleep, digestion, and inflammation.

How Long Till I Start Seeing Results?
A few days to a few weeks. After the adaptation period, you will start seeing improvements in energy, sleep, mood, digestion, skin, and much more. See our transformations here.
Is Meat Going To Give Me Cancer, Heart Disease, Diabetes, High Blood Pressure, Etc….?

The short answer is “No, meat is very unlikely to be the cause of any particular disease.”

Our extensive research library is at your disposal to further educate yourself on these matters. Unfortunately the majority of our nutrition science comes from very poorly designed study that have no possible way of realistically answering those questions.

For heart health see our heart resource.

Should I Count Calories Or Macros?
No. Eat meat when you are hungry and stop eating when you are no longer hungry. Carnivore diet is about eating meat. Choose the meat that you enjoy, and don’t worry about the ratios. Fat is good for you, and most meat is fatty enough. There is no need to cut back on fat or add extra fat.

How About Intermittent Fasting? How Many Meals Per Day?

It is simple. Eat meat when you are hungry and stop eating when you are no longer hungry. There is no need to fast or count meals, especially at the beginning of the diet. Make sure to eat when you’re hungry so you can fight the cravings and nourish your body.

Do I Have To Be On The Carnivore Diet For The Rest Of My Life To Stay Healthy?

Most people that see a significant improvement in their health due to the Carnivore Diet tend to stick with it or something very similar. They may become “Carnivore Adjacent” and often that also works well for many.

Are Plants Healthy?

It depends on the person and the plant. Most plants in the environment are downright poisonous and are deadly, whereas a small percentage have been found suitable to eat by humans and many of those require extensive processing to make them safe to ingest. Some people have a greater capacity to handle certain plants than others do.

Remember that things like sugar, vegetable oil and Oreos are all made from plants and some of them are clearly worse than others. It is unlikely that plants provided any real nutritional benefit as a food source when one is already on a carnivore diet. On a standard junk food diet it is likely that eating avocados is a bit better than eating twinkies.


See this comprehensive list of anti-nutrients, their negative effects, the foods that contain them, and how they can be neutralized.

Is Meat Bad For The Environment?

Meat production definitely has an environmental impact, as all food and all human commodities do. Meat has been unfairly scapegoated by animal rights activists and the processed food industry as they see a potential financial windfall in plant based products. In the United States Cows produce a mere 2% of our greenhouse gases and range on land that is not suitable for planting crops. Learn more here.

I’m A Foodie And Wonder Will I Get Bored Eating Just Meat?

There are literally hundreds of different types and ways to prepare meals for a meat based diet. Some folks enjoy the simplicity of just cooking up a steak, but fortunately for you, our chefs have dozens of enticing “carnivore friendly” recipes in our ever growing library.

Are There Any Studies On The Carnivore Diet?

Yes, plenty. Please see our medical research library. Did you know that Dr. Shawn Baker has put out a survey for people to share their results on the carnivore diet? More than 11,000 people have shared their amazing health transformation stories. See the results here. Meat Heals!

Can I Do The Carnivore Diet Affordably?

Yes, you can opt in for ground beef, chuck roasts, and other affordable cuts. You can also find local discounts on meat on

You can also checkout our deals and discounts page for discounts on meats, grills, snacks, and much more.

Is Grassfed Beef Healthier Than Grain Finished Beef?

Many people prefer and enjoy grass fed beef and there can be an environmental benefit. But the majority of people that have successfully improved their health have done so with just plain old supermarket meat without eating organs. For some select individuals organs and grass finished beef may ultimately prove to be the better option and is certainly worth experimenting with if desired.

DR Shawn Baker

Reviewed & approved by
Dr. Shawn Baker, MD & Carnivore.Diet team.

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